It Stretched!!

Started by scasnerkay, August 15, 2012, 04:04:32 AM

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My first try at Mozzarella, and it worked! I used the instructions on LB's site for Mozzarella with a starter. I also looked at the pictures on
The process took much longer than I allowed for, and the final product was more firm and more salty than desired. I think I can figure out how to change the firm and salty, but I do not know how to speed up the process. Luckily, I made a double batch, and the other pound of curd is in the freezer for another day, ready to stretch! It will be great for pizza!

The ingredients...
2 gallons pasturized cream top milk
1/4 tsp thermophillic blend from (C201)
1/2 tsp lipase
1/4 tsp Calcium Chloride
1.75 ml rennet (Mad Millie)
1/4 cup salt

Target to rennet, 6.4   Target to drain 6.1
Flocculation 3

11:50 Milk at 90 degrees. Stirred in lipase, and starter. Kept at temperature pretty closely.
2:40  Still measuring 6.5 ph, but I could not wait any longer, so stirred in calcium chloride, and the rennet. Flocculation in 9 mins, so 27 mins until ready to cut.
3:10  Clean break, and cut into 2 inch curd, and let rest 10 mins, then cut into about 1/2 inch pieces and let rest another 10 mins.
Stirred very gently, cutting pieces I missed.
4:00  Placed pot in sink of water at about 120 degrees. About 30 mins of gentle stirring, then resting 10 mins, 3 times. Then curds settled for along time. I kept testing the pH...  Temp got a little higher than I wanted, up to 108 degrees.
5:00   pH 6.3
5:30 At this point, I was expected at dinner at 6:00 somewhere else with a caprese salad, so I had to go buy some fresh mozzerella.
6:00 pH 6.1, drained the curd and put it in the frig, and was a little late to dinner as i gathered the ingredients and went. At least they were my tomatoes!

3:30 Two days later.... took the curd out of the frig and onto the counter. No longer able to measure pH since mine only does liquid. I am a little anxious, and not sure how long to wait. But I figure it has to come to room temperature.
6:30  Heated some water to 120 degrees, and dropped a piece of curd into the water.  When I fished it out a few moments later, it looked a little stretchy to me. So I heated 2 quarts of reserved whey, and 1/4 cup salt to 180 degrees. While it was heating, I cut the curd mass into halves, and put 1/2 into the freezer.The rest I cut into short 1/2 inch strips, and placed in a pot in the sink. I poured the heated whey against the inside of the pot. After waiting about 3 mins, the curd seemed to want to gather together. After about 10 mins I was able to pull it around with a wooden spoon and lift it out of the pot.  It Stretched!  I did the pulling with the spoon multiple times, and then as soon as I could hold it with my gloved hands, I did enjoy some play time with stretching. I decided to shape it into a log.
7:30  Caprese salad with another of my tomatoes!
Impression: A bit more chewy than I wanted, and not creamy enough. A bit too salty. Great flavor and pleasantly squeeky. I think it would be good for pizza.
I think the next batch I would stir a bit more gently while bringing to 104 temp, and would be careful to not go over. I hope that would yield a bit softer cheese.

I sure would like to know if there is a way to make the pH drop a bit more quickly though.



Looks really good!  Is that a yellow tomato with the cheese and basil in the last pic?


nicely done.. Mozzarella was my BIGGEST challenge to make.  Once you get it you GOT IT!  then you start tweeking and then next thing you know your doing cheese classes for others to support your cheese making habit.   ;)  congratulations.... your now an addict!  giggle


@bbrakken:  It is an orange "Kellogg's breakfast" tomato. New to me this year, but sure to be planted again if I can find it!


Nothing like home-grown tomatoes!  Add some cheese and fresh basil and yum!

I learned about tomato sandwiches in Mississippi....couple of slices of your favorite bread, lots of mayo, a thick slice of tomato and salt (pepper optional) and wow...THE perfect sandwich.


California style might be toasted sourdough, thick slice of tomato, avocado, and goat gouda with basil leaves, and maybe olive tapenade! Now that is the perfect sandwich for me!


This is a late response, but nicely done and thanks for the breakdown! I'm currently getting ready to do some pasta filata cheeses, and your post is very helpful.