Simple Multiplier/Clean Break Question

Started by rolsen99, December 10, 2012, 02:18:15 PM

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The only thing I haven't been able to find regarding the flocculation method is the following:

I have gathered that a softer cheese will require a longer multiplier, and opposite for a drier cheese.  Assuming the same milk/temps/rennet, the level of clean break will be "different" based on the multiplier.  When I hit the time calculated to cut the curds based on the multiplier, do I cut them regardless of the status of the clean break?

I am sure a pro may very the cutting time based on experience and what they are seeing at the designated time to cut, but in general, cut no matter what at the multiplier time?

Hope that makes sense.

Sailor Con Queso

Yes. That is the whole point of using the flocculation method.
