New kids are falling from the sky

Started by Captain Caprine, July 11, 2013, 04:30:50 AM

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Captain Caprine

Hi all,
I'm back after a year long break with no milkers (had to concentrate on work).  Attached is a pic of Bunny one of this years crop with her mom Cinnabon.
Captain Caprine


Cute little bugger. :)

Welcome back.

Let's ferment something!
Bread, beer, wine,'s all good.


Hi!  Your timing is great, we've been having kids too and they're posted on a Lounge thread titled something like "Care to share a snapshot of your life".  I've got one more doe to kid.  She was due last Sunday and likely has quads.  (Nigerian Dwarf so litters are usual). You'll get a chuckle out of some of the thread posts and it shows some cool photos of what folks are up to.   :D


I've missed you!  I'm sorry that work had to get in the way of dairying and cheesemaking. 

I'm on a bit of a sabbatical from cheesemaking, too, until I wean the calf around the first of August.  Then I'll have two weeks of doing what I want with the milk before having to dry the cow off.  I miss it when I can't make cheese, but the break is welcome sometimes, too.

Your goats are adorable!  I've owned a couple of goats in my time, never milked though.  I'm more of a cow person, but appreciate looking at the photos people share of their new kids.

Captain Caprine

Cheers MrsKK
It's great to be back