Crottin de Chavignol

Started by green zebra, February 23, 2013, 04:36:15 AM

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green zebra

Well here is my second try at Crottin de Chavignol. This batch is 4 weeks old, less two days. I was pretty good at keeping the humidity up, in its own box but got this ugly blue /grey mold! That started to grow two weeks into the ripening stage. I kept wiping it down, to keep it under control. I guess i did not pay as much attention the first week, perhaps this could have been avoided.

Anyway, the one of the left, after i cut the skin off the top, left a wet, kind of gooey consistency on top of solid cheese.

I liked the taste even though it offered a VERY tangy zing in my mouth. The aroma was divine!

The yield was four little nuggets. The plan is to ripen the other three Crottins longer and at two, three, and four months sample one at a time and make notes/pictures.


Crottin is a young cheese, and since your first is already softened, I doubt you will be able to age them for much longer. I'd eat them (and enjoy them) soon.

green zebra

Hi Margaret,
I had understood the same that Crottin is eaten as a young cheese. However, after reading Jim Wallace's recipe and his blurb on Crottin's history, this variety has been aged as long as 4 months. So i thought i would experiment.


And why not? Give it a go and let us know how it fares.

green zebra