First Attempt at Brie

Started by saycheese, March 10, 2013, 09:57:37 PM

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Hi everyone,
It's a long time since I posted anything on this site, but here I am back making cheese.  This is my first go around at Brie.  My husband made 4 small brie molds for me using food grade plastic tubes (3 1/2 in diameter) and drilled drainage holes in them.  I also bought a large 7 inch brie mold.  We used all of them to hold all the curd from 2 gallons of whole milk.  Here are some pics of the cheeses resting comfortably in the kitchen, drying before going into the 'cheese cave' (dorm sized fridge) for their 2 week nap.


Looks beautiful!  I'm new to cheese making and am looking forward to gleaning as much information I can from this site.  Is there a simple way to search for recipes on here?  Can I use needlepoint canvas as a cheese mat?


Those look good!  I just opened a brie this weekend and it was a hit.  Fingers crossed for you to exceed my result. 

Hi moyakelly,
If you search through the board, you will find a number of posts where people present their complete make notes.  That will include the information about what cultures to use, etc. 

Hi JacksSmilingGoatFarm,
First, welcome to the board. 
Now, if you are looking for recipes and make notes, just skim the board lists to find threads about the cheese you are interested in.  A lot of people post their complete make notes.  There is a search feature as well, and searching the entire board for a particular cheese can work too.  I find explore the boards more rewarding myself, as I get sidetracked by some cheese I've never heard of and end up increasing my document of makes with all sorts of things. 

- Jeff

High Altitude

How did your Bries turn out? 

I want to make my first Brie, and also Camembert, so have been going back and forth about which molds to purchase.  I finally realized it might be nice to make Baby Bries in the Camembert molds...yay, dilemma solved!

Any changes necessary to the large Brie recipe to make Baby Bries?