Substitute yogurt for thermo C

Started by Digitalsmgital, October 13, 2013, 06:57:13 PM

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My next semi hard cheese needs thermo c according to the recipe but I would like to sub yogurt as I have read many do to save the money.

I make yogurt every week for the family, using about a half cup from last weeks batch to culture 3/4 to a gallon grocery P&H milk. How much for a two gallon batch calling for 1/2 teaspoon Thermo C? Use about an ounce?

Gürkan Yeniçeri

I don't know the equivalent of ounce and gallon but:

The idea is to use 1 or 2 percent of the milk volume.
So for 1 litre of milk (1000ml) I use 1%=10ml or 2%=20ml

If 8 litres and 2% starter required, I use 160ml of my mother culture and wait about an hour for the pH drop 0.1.



Yogurt works fine for culturing cheese. With the key bacteria being S. Thermophilus and L. Bulgaricus, it is more close to Thermo B cultures though. Thermo C has L. Helveticus, which I believe lends the nutty-kind of taste characteristic of Alpine cheeses.


Quote from: WovenMeadows on October 18, 2013, 12:45:15 PM
Yogurt works fine for culturing cheese. With the key bacteria being S. Thermophilus and L. Bulgaricus, it is more close to Thermo B cultures though. Thermo C has L. Helveticus, which I believe lends the nutty-kind of taste characteristic of Alpine cheeses.

Ah, so my flavor will be a bit off target. thank you!