7" Brie - Does it look okay to you?

Started by High Altitude, October 23, 2013, 05:35:32 PM

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Been there, had that. I'd say about 50% of my cams come out somewhat concave on the sides, some with straight sides and one batch that looked like hamburger patties  :o

I'm thinking it is probably more due to the wonderful dry climate we live in and how hard it is to keep them at the appropriate humidity. All the commercial geo/pc breeding rooms I've seen have fancy equipment to keep the RH at the right spot - for the whole life of the cheese up to wrapping. I'm trying to keep them in the mini-caves until ready to eat - even in the refrigerator part of aging.

High Altitude

Overwhelmed...thanks for all the awesome comments...and the cheeses  :)!

Pretty soon I hope to open the THICK mini-brie (the same recipe).  I'm sure it won't be the same as this one (no concaving sides), but hopefully another success story to report.