Small cheese vats Made in Germany arriving in the USA

Started by Jaap Jongia, October 29, 2013, 07:57:43 AM

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Jaap Jongia

ASTA-eismann is a German company making a wide range of dairy equipment, used by many cheese makers, especially the artisan, in Europe. A special range of small vats has been developed to support the many people entering on a small scale. More and more people start keeping small herds of especially goats and are looking for this equipment. Now these vats are making its way to other shores. Three are now in Australia, but also two are in the USA (New Mexico and Idaho). This range of vats come in the sizes 50, 100, 200 and 300 litre. They come complete with lid, curd knife and electrical elements. Optional are a frame with wheels and an agitator. Prices are very competitive, giving small cheese makers an opportunity to enter the cheese making business without spending a fortune.

These links lead to articles published in the UK about small cheese makers and a youtube video where you can watch such a vat.
Mini dairy / Micro dairy. Goat Cheese maker in the UK with 100 L vat.