Cheddar-my way

Started by Sosukhe, November 18, 2013, 08:07:00 PM

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I got so surprised when I cut into this one! Taste is extraordinary, like comercial emental but three times more intense in my opinion. Paste is elastic but not too gummy... other half will age a bit more. I want to see if it will continue produce bubbles of gas.

4liters of raw cows milk
thermo culture
tsp rennet

Added culture to the milk , heather to 31deg C (40mins), added rennet (20mins). Cut the curds, raised temp to 40> deg C(10mins). Drained the curds. cut the paste in half , places one half on top of the other , rest for 20mins. Cut the curds into the mold add salt and pressed with 10kg weight overnight. Let it form the rind for three days on room temp, after that got it cloth bandaged with butter and let it age for a month on the top shelve in the fridge.


You only used thermo culture and nothing else ?

I wonder what causes the nice looking eyes in it.

It looks good , hard to believe it's only 1 month old.

But hey , if it looks good and tastes good , then it must be good .

A cheese to your success !