My second Stilton

Started by Matthewcraig, March 21, 2014, 09:01:13 PM

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I have just taken my second Stilton out of my hoop after gravity press of 5 days, I feel that when I 'crumbled' it it was still slightly to moist so haven't really got any crevices in it but blue is starting to develop (doubt you will be able to see the blue in picture as lighting was bad) but anyway I thought I would do some updates as it develops to see if it turns out better than my previous Stilton.

Andrew Marshallsay

A nice looking cheese but why does't it fall with the table at that angle?
- Andrew


Seems fine to me I think you must be looking at it from Australia.  ;)


i have just pierced it, the cheese being at such a strange angle is a plus for piercing the sides ;)


I have just cut into it and it is delicious, ok veining but does not disappoint on flavour very nutty, it's not quite as creamy as I wanted it but that's ok.

Andrew Marshallsay

A lovely looking blue. I can well believe that it tastes great. A cheese worth a cheese.
- Andrew


That looks fantastic Matthew - please accept a cheese for your cheese.

Cheers, GD.