Tomme de Savoie rind getting started

Started by Digdagdug, October 15, 2013, 04:29:22 AM

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I think this will work out. Looks good so far.


Looks nice!  I love making tommes.  I don't aim at any particular style and since "tomme de" just means "cheese of" I guess I should name all mine things like "Tomme de Goat", "Tomme de Sovereign Hill", "Tomme de Neglecte", "Tomme de Thursday"......   that PC on your rind I presume?  I have been liking Mycodore rinds although my recent ones haven't been as over the top felty/wooly as the first one.  I think that's because my current aging space is too damp.  The very felty -rinded tomme got washed with all kinds of things in an attempt to knock it back a bit.....even straight unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.  That one was quite tasty. 


White is Geo...

Mine (4 weeks) looks simmilar (used PLA) with white mostly covering the sides and just started on top\bottom.


I have just made a Tomme de Savoie and I am looking for some suggestions on affinage. I put some mycodor LYO 5D and geo candidum in the make to assist with the rind. I am guessing it will need some brushing every now and then and no washing? Yes? Also any suggestions on the period of ageing? I have seen suggestions it is ready after a few months, but I am guessing it should go longer? Any suggestions greatly appreciated.