FDA Seeking Comments/Info Regarding Raw Milk Cheese

Started by SOSEATTLE, August 04, 2015, 06:45:29 PM

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For those who are interested, the FDA is seeking public comments and information regarding raw milk cheeses: http://www.fda.gov/Food/NewsEvents/ConstituentUpdates/ucm456544.htm


valley ranch

Greetings Susan. Thanks for posting that. I think, I would like the FDA to Keep its fingers out and off a good many things. Raw Milk is one of those things. They, the FDA, and other government, don't know any better, agencies, draw as much attention to dairy, Raw Milk, as often as they can. The intent is to convince America that Fresh Raw Milk is dangerous.


Processed milk handled poorly is unsafe as well.

They don't know better, or more. They would do well by getting Round Up off the market or other pollutants.


...what Valley' said... fully agree

Here in Canada.. the "Milk Board" is what regulates and dictates all what happens with milk.. Sets the prices paid to dairy farmers, sets farmer quota, penalizes over production (farmers have to dump perfectly good milk). Sets the wholesale price of milk. "protects" consumers from raw milk by abolishing its sales to retail. (amazing we have 60 day+ raw milk cheese being made by licensed processors). They control the whole distribution of milk right from the farmers vat to the end wholesaler.

Doesn't that all sort of describe Mafia-like activity?

Its still illegal for farmers to sell raw milk to good folks here right across Canada ... Yet...buying cigarettes, marijuana, liquor, beer and wine in grocery stores ...... not so much...that's perfectly fine. SMH
We are one of the last countries of the world to have an abolishment on raw milk... how backwards we are in that respect.


Quote from: Fritz on June 30, 2016, 12:05:00 PM
...what Valley' said... fully agree

Here in Canada.. the "Milk Board" is what regulates and dictates all what happens with milk.. Sets the prices paid to dairy farmers, sets farmer quota, penalizes over production (farmers have to dump perfectly good milk). Sets the wholesale price of milk. "protects" consumers from raw milk by abolishing its sales to retail. (amazing we have 60 day+ raw milk cheese being made by licensed processors). They control the whole distribution of milk right from the farmers vat to the end wholesaler.

Doesn't that all sort of describe Mafia-like activity?

Its still illegal for farmers to sell raw milk to good folks here right across Canada ... Yet...buying cigarettes, marijuana, liquor, beer and wine in grocery stores ...... not so much...that's perfectly fine. SMH
We are one of the last countries of the world to have an abolishment on raw milk... how backwards we are in that respect.

Hey , it's not only  illegal to sell raw milk , it's even illegal ti GIVE it away!

For a registered dairy farm in BC , to get the most from your quota , you generally need to produce way more than you can sell , that way you can be sure of not coming up short one month.

One farm I know of here , dumps 400 gallons or so every month into a pit , because it's over quota and illegal to sell , quite the system we have here.

Disgusting !