Traveling with cheese.

Started by keepitlow, June 22, 2009, 11:26:57 AM

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How long can commercial cheese be left out while traveling? Say some gouda or jarlsberg. Can you eat it after no refrigeration at 75 to 80 degrees for 2 or 3 days?


I think you would be fine.  If there is some mold growth, or dried out sections, you may choose to trim the affected area.


Haha, use caution though crossing customs.  For example, this one time ... crossing the border between Canada and the US I brought hard commercial cheese. That's fine, totally legal.  But after a few hours, the hard cheese was soft cheese.  So that's not totally legal, as I learned in an interrogation room.  I advise friends not to risk traveling internationally with any cheese after that learning experience.  Jess 


Goodness they didn't know the difference I guess. Maybe bring a cooler next time!


Hi!!! Just try to keep one of those insulated lunchbox type things and some icepacks that you can throw in a freezer before you travel and the cheese should stay fine for a couple days! Cheese is supposed to be eaten at room temp anyways.


It will likely start to ozz butter fat at these temps.