
Started by Dorchestercheese, April 25, 2017, 11:49:33 AM

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So I have been making two gallon batches of cheese each go around which fit into a press well.  I'm thinking of doubling the batch to make two cheeses at once.  I feel I'm standing there stirring ...
Any good ideas for pressing two blocks at once?  Can I stack them? Just looking for food for thought.


If you can stack them that would be the most efficient because you would only need the same amount of pressure you put on a single mold.  If you do it side by side you will have to make sure they are filled the same and you'll have to double the weight.  Is there a possibility of getting a larger mold, in most cases cheese ages better in bigger wheels.  I made some fair sized molds out of five gallon buckets but that would be way big for 4 gallon batches but it's an idea. 

The molds I made are in the background in the picture. 


I'm going through this process right now.
So far I have been using 165mm Camembert baskets which stack quite nicely and make 4 700g Goudas from a 20l batch.  I was dead weight pressing and as i stacked in pairs I was getting a light press.
I also used 3kg food buckets drilled to drain, which gives me 2 cheeses. Stacked under the press, the sloped bucket sides often give me wonky cheeses.
I can, just, fit curd from a low yield recipe like Romano into one bucket.
I am coming to understand that bigger cheeses work better in the press, but they cause a storage problem for me, as I like to vacuum bag mine.
My next task is to try and rig a brace to stop a stack of smaller moulds from toppling or twisting under higher pressure.
Stacking works, but aesthetics will vary.
Best results so far come from single cheeses.
Size of cheese can be a storage issue.


5ittingduck you could consider getting larger vacuum bags for chesses, i use some that i can fit in a 20cm x 15cm cheese. they are the width of my vacuum bagger machine.



Mathew,  What brand and model vacuum machine do you have?
