Making Cheese such as Casiocavallo, Provolone, Mozzarella

Started by Mandalay, December 05, 2017, 02:38:32 PM

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I am new to this forum and have been only been making cheese the past year.
I only have store bought milk where I live and can either get Pasteurized only and more readily both Pasteurized & homogenized.  I have read that the use of Calcium Chloride in Mozzarella will stop any curd stretching.
With some of the recipes that I have read for Caciocavallo & Provolone they have added Calcium Chloride, but not the Mozzarella.  From what I understand these cheeses are also stretched.  Would the Calcium Chloride not stop the curds from these cheeses from stretching while in making?
Thank You for any advice.


Hi Mandalay,

Now this is only from experience (and from a sample size of one), but I definitely added CaCl2 and definitely got good stretchability from my mozzarella. I was using the hybrid method from Gianaclis Caldwell's book.

Hopefully others chime in with less anecdotal evidence, but I would say that you could add CaCl2 to mozzarella!


Thank You Scarlettbri12,  I have made the longer version of Mozzarella using acidification notes and the quick Microwave one, but for some reason the use of CaCl was always made mention to not use.
Then I was looking at the Caciocavallo cheese and Provolone cheese and they stated using CaCl, so I became curious as to whether the use of CaCl would result in no stretch?  Thank You for taking the time and telling me of your experiences.