Reblochon failure

Started by Hande, May 27, 2011, 03:42:12 PM

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You are welcome. If they don't sell to retail customers you can always ask them who does (because they would be the distributor for the company that sells to consumers)


Ok, updates my Reblochon adventure.
Thanks Yoav's tips, I make new batch Reblochon 4 weeks ago.
Now I cut first wheel and jesss, it's has very good taste  ;)  Definitely my best tasting cheese so far.
I use raw milk with SR3, MM100 and d.hansenii ( because that ones I have now ).
Maeby that b.linens what I use before was off, who knows..



This looks spectacular! Amazing!  You can get the paté even softer. Next time, age it 45-60 days with the same recipe, Stop the wash regiment at the same point you did on this make and from then until the end just turn the cheese every couple of days while letting wild powdery random geo cover the red cheese.

Really, what a great looking cheese!


Hi Yoav,
Thank for yours great tips, cheese for you  :)
I have 3 more wheels of that batch, my plan is aged those more and make notes every one.
Yes now there is some geo get up.

Not luck that Finland Danisco, they not sell retail customers.
But now I found  in Uk and there is what I want  :)
I already make my order and I get it next week.
I really want make some complex rind Tomme.



This is great. Keep me posted on the Tomme and send photos! What kind of milk will you be using?


Now I use only raw cow milk. That summer time milk is amazing !
It's yellow and full of taste.
That farm is 2.4 miles away my home, so it's really local.



Wow, you can probably kidnap one of these cows for a day, milk it and return it and no one will notice  O0


Ok, updates my b.linens adventure.
My reblochon seems good now, and taste is just great, heh, even though I myself said that  ;)
Reblochon 7 weeks:

I make 6 weeks ago some Camembert with linens,  I use pinch of thermo to stabilized.
I think linens give extra booth of cam : )
2 pic below is cams, I'm little lost how to get pic right place  ???



Those look pretty darn good to me!



I can see I've got some work to do. You've inspired me.

That's what I was looking for in my Reblochon make.

Let's ferment something!
Bread, beer, wine,'s all good.


Thank you,
Now I feel that linens are my friend   :D  ( after couple failure with linens.. )




They look magnificent!


I could eat my screen!  Those are wonderful looking.

- Jeff


Okay, that's it, obviously it's time for me to foray into reblochon - Hande, Boofer, it's all your fault, your recent pics look so yummy!!!  (What a nice thing to be blamed for, huh?)   ;D

So is the recipe in 200 Easy Cheeses a good one, or should I tweak it a bit in any way? 


Thank you,
MaryJ, iratherfly give some great tip in that thread  earlier.
200 Easy Cheeses not call any geo and to me d.hansenii helps a pit to grow linens.
KL71 is maybe better choice but I don't have any.
And little thermo (TA) gives texture and stabilization.
