THE BIG FARM Project 2012

Started by Priestman, January 02, 2012, 02:02:37 AM

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A merry new year to you and yours for 2012.  This is the first day of THE BIG FARM Project where I'll be posting updates on the farm, the sheep, lambing, milking, cheesemaking, etc.--part farm log, part experience-sharing, part shameless self-promotion. I think it will be a moderately interesting way to spend some down-time at the home or office this year.

This is the link to the New Year's Day post:] [url][/url]

If you'd like to continue to receive emails when new posts are up--probably every week or so--email me at  Otherwise, I hope you make it over to the web site from time to time, or to the Tamworth Farmers Market in Tamworth, NH where it's always nice to visit, and eat cheese!

Thanks.  And have a great new year.



Yes... Shameless self promotion.  Damn I wish I could do something like that..  Well done Paul and all success to you.  I've been making Manchego here in Oz but all I can get is sheep Lipase.  I had the opportunity to taste a real Manchego in St Louis in December and although mine are tasty, it is nothing compared to sheeps milk Manchego.  And you have the real thing   O0. 
Usually if one person asks a question then 10 are waiting for the answer - Please ask !


@Priestman, first off congrats and good on you. There is nothing better than living off your own land and really living and eating with the seasons, as intended. Something quite distant now due to the huge supermarket chains making it too easy to get hold of everything all year round! As you can probably tell, I am not a big fan or even a regular visitor of my local TESCO.

Anyway, my question is this: Will you be throwing some big Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall  "River Cottage" style celebration at the end of the truly show off the results of all your labour? :)) 

If you are unfamiliar with this show or indeed the person I am referring to follow the link below - it´s worth checking out as well, quite fun!

Beyond River Cottage E1 Prt1 I think this is the right one.