15 Gallon Farmhouse Cheddar

Started by Cartierusm, January 24, 2009, 08:45:20 AM

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Wall-E was watched at our house a couple of weeks ago. We all agreed that it's a great movie.
Last summer my youngest daughter (8 years old) started calling my middle daughter (14) Wally, out of the blue. We asked her where she came up with this name and her response was "Taylor looks like a robot."
Well none of us had even heard of the movie at this time so it didn't mean a lot to us.
What is funny (at least to me) is that Erin bought the movie Wall-E, as a Christmas present for Taylor.
Tay isn't too awfully thrilled at how all of her high school friends have now nicknamed her Wall-E, but the rest of us find it amusing.
Anyway, just one story from a male living in a household of females, (wife and three daughters).
I'm sure that one day they will find me half starved and stuck to the toilet seat from all of the hairspray fumes in the house. :-)



Quote from: Cartierusm on February 13, 2009, 12:37:56 AM
Being the evniromental person you are Joy you should definately watch Wall-E.

I've heard that.  I'll put it on my netflix queue.  Right now we have "Bottle Shock".


Great Dave gang up on one of your kids...at least you'll be the one shelling out for the therapy. ;D


Carter, LOL!
If therapy equals college, I'm already paying with my oldest daughter. Out of state tuition is INSANE!
As I've mentioned before, each time I want something new for my cheesemaking, my wife reminds me of our college expense.
Just the thought of having two more kids to put through college, scares me (especially in today's economic situation).
You did give me a laugh though!
