Scaling Cheese Making Recipes - Weights

Started by ukdavid, October 02, 2012, 11:39:09 AM

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Having read through quite a bit of the forum (it's massive) I have a couple of questions that I could not find the answers to. I have no doubt somebody will point me in the right direction, but meanwhile I just go ahead and ask.
We  like quite a mature hard cheeses, including goats cheese of which we have a source of fresh unpasteurised milk and also cows milk.

The book. I have at the moment is,"Home cheese making by Ricki Carroll. The one I'm expecting to receive shortly, is, "200 home-made cheese recipes by Debra Amrein-boyes (as recommended by another forum member). As it's going to be my first experiments with make it hard cheese, I would love your recommendations.

The other question I have is concerning press weights. I happen to have a couple of 1 pound cheese moulds, and a home-made press that will take them both. Now then, do I just use the weight for a 2 pound cheese mould, or is there a different formula for having two separate moulds under one press, even though the total is the same as an individual two Pound the press mould.
It's a long time since I went to school. :-)

Great forum
Thank you


If the molds are stacked one on top of the other, use the weight you would use on one mold. If the molds are side by side, double the weight.


Thanks Smolt1

I can stop my brain working overtime now.

Regards David