soaps and tallow

Started by bec1986, August 27, 2008, 10:31:05 PM

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Tea, this was to be my first attempt, the copper boiler we have is a copper tub in the middle of a cut out 44 gallon drum, light a fire and presto boiling water. when i rendered this suet i boiled, strained it then re boiled for another couple of hours before straining again. the process got delayed when i couldnt source any NaOH or KOH.  >:( i think i have seen lye use to sterilise bottles for brewing so i will look at brewing sites before i go down that road again. i was thinking i would make a gel for clothes washing first so that i didnt have to wait out the setting process and see if i liked the result before i did something more complex.
also i know the fat smell is a bit overpowering but isnt nearly as bad if you get pure suet, any gut fat and you get a stink that will have the neighbors complaining for days lol. i think we may be doing anothe steer in the next few months so ill be reading up again and looking for my lye.
i dont think im game enough to ask my butcher for suet he thinks im queer already because i buy kidneys and tounges lol, ps pickled tounge is the best!  ;D 


I used to use a drain cleaning product that was 98% NaOH, but they have changed their recipe and I find that I don't get a good consistant result anymore, so I now purchase both my NaOH and KOH from a chemical and paints company here, but I can only purchase it in 25kg lots, which is fine as I go through it fairly quickly.
My laundry gel is actually a soap that is then grated down and melted in hot water to make a gel. Liquid soap can be made a couple of ways, but basically it is a paste that is then diluted down to the desired consistancy.  I have been making my own shampoo this way for the last 4-5 years.  And then there is cream soap.  That is another beast all on it's own, which I have only recently started playing with.
A couple of places you might find NaOH and KOH are,
I can't comment on the brewery but as long as it is 98-99% pure it should be alright.  Just check it doesn't have other additives.  has a book called "Soap Naturaly" which is one of the most comprehensive books on soap making that I have found.  Marina has a wealth of knowledge, and if you are really interested in soaping I would definately recommend getting this book first before starting out.
Most of the oils that you will need for soaping can be found at a local supermarket, so they are easily accessible.
Hope this helps.


Bec, just another quick thought.  Lye is very dangerous, and must, at all times be treated with respect and caution.  There have been many people who have given up soaping because of serious accidents with lye.
I know that with a young toddler around now, that I am almost paranoid about safety issues while I am soaping.
Just felt I needed to add this.


you gals are amazing !!!
