Looking for archives on local cheese making in Scotland

Started by Bernardsmith, December 21, 2018, 06:13:38 PM

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Hiya, Does anyone on this forum know of any archives that hold old recipes and the like from non professional Scottish cheese makers in the 17th  through 19th Century? I am trying to find folk recipes for a wine known as blaand that was made at home using the whey made from cheese making. I've been "experimenting" with this for a few months now (using sweet whey) to which I add fermentables such as honey or table sugar and even malt sugars (barley) and using wine or beer yeast to ferment the sugars (so the lactose is not fermented). I would love to know whether traditionally the farmers and crofters would have fermented only the lactose - and so  would have produced a low alcohol wine much like kvass or whether they would perhaps have added honey to make this rather more a full bodied beer or wine.  I know that about 10 years ago Humphrey Errington sold a version of blaand he called Fallachan (Gaelic: hidden treasure) and for one reason or another he sold his recipe to a brewery (Arran Brewery) that promised to continue to make this version but I can find no evidence that the brewery ever sold any bottles. Might anyone on this forum know either of any archives that might have copies of this folk drink or know of any recipes of the drink itself? Thanks


I have seen a little bit about blaand around here.  There is a link to a paper on a thread I found -> https://p2infohouse.org/ref/12/11458.pdf


Many thanks . I will check out the paper. Much appreciated.


Interesting paper but it does not really look at indigenous recipes. More a scientific assessment of a concept. And by the authors' account it works... but we know it works because it was made until the 20th Century...