Cheese destinations in Japan?

Started by StuartDunstan, September 17, 2015, 12:56:17 AM

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Hi folks. Next month I'm heading to Japan for a 3 week holiday, and I'm hoping to sample some local cheeses while I'm there - possibly even visit a dairy if possible. Information on the net seems a bit scant, so I'm wondering if anyone knows of any good cheese places to visit or cheeses to try? I'll just be on the mainland, but travelling around quite a bit. I've already read about a few places up north on Hokkaido, but we won't be visiting that island unfortunately. I've also discovered a cheese shop in Tokyo that I'm hoping will have some local cheeses.



Hi Stuart,

I don't know much about cheese in Japan (a friend from Tokyo says it's quite a delicacy there), but here are some excerpts from the World Cheese Book. Might help you on your quest.
Have a good holiday!


Thnaks Revilo! That's some good info right there.  :)


No problem. If you can't read something, I can try taking a better picture if you want  ;D
Trying your Royal Blue recipe at the moment  :D