Kefir, anyone?

Started by awakephd, January 28, 2020, 08:20:06 PM

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Anybody interested in some Kefir grains for the cost of shipping?

I have been brewing milk Kefir for some time; generally I brew a gallon per week. As the grains grow, it gets to be too much and I have to remove some. I've frozen some in case I need them in the future, and thought about drying some, but haven't tried that.

It is time once again to divide them, and this time I thought I'd go a different route. I have no interest in trying to sell them, but if anyone is interested in acquiring some grains, I'd be happy to give them away. Usual caveats: no guarantees, this is a live-culture product, use at your own risk, etc.

If you are interested, PM me.

-- Andy


I've dried them and woken them up much later (can't recall exactly but over a year I think) with success.  Kefir is tasty stuff.


How did you dry the grains? Air dry or dehydrator? I have frozen some, but not tried to dry them.


I also have the same problem, but my chicken love them.