How still is Still?

Started by bansidhe, September 25, 2021, 03:19:21 PM

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When testing for flocculation it's quite easy to see when the disk freely spins.
Later as the milk thickens I wonder at the  flocculation point Does the disk not budge AT ALL.. or will is move ever so slightly?
Making cheese is easy, making a cheese is hard


Flocc is when the disk won't rotate. It will wiggle a bit but no actual spin. Usually it's only 30 seconds or so from "maybe?" to definite flocculation. So if you're unsure just wait a little longer to confirm.   
However, with cream top milk, the cream rises quite quickly and so your cup will slow down after 8-10 minutes due to the cream and that can be confusing.   But again, wait until the cup stops and it will be an obvious difference.


Making cheese is easy, making a cheese is hard


I always wait until whatever you are spinning leaves a small mark in the cheese when you remove it.  It normally happens within about 30 seconds or so of the container stopping moving.  It's a little bit longer, but it's a lot more consistent.  You just dial back your multiplier a tad.