cheddars and tommes - ok to briefly move to a fridge?

Started by jrheling, August 25, 2023, 12:38:46 PM

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Hi -

I'm currently using a mini fridge as a cheese cave - I've overridden the temp controls to keep things at about 50F and use an open pan of water on the bottom to keep the humidity in the 85-95RH range. The fridge is getting full, and I'm finishing up a new space I've converted in the lower level of an outbuilding that I'm going to use as a cave going forward.

The thing is, the small fridge is going to leave soon to go with a kid to college, and the new cave isn't quite ready (probably needs another week).

So I need to find a place to put the 4 tommes and 3 cheddars I have aging. They've all been in there for a few months - the cheddars are vacuum sealed, and the tommes have established rinds. Will it hurt them to spend a week in the fridge at normal fridge temps? I have cheese papers, if that's helpful, and I could vacuum seal the tommes, too, if that would make it better.

Any input greatly appreciated.


Normal fridge is fine.  I do this frequently.  Usually I wrap the cheeses in paper towel and then put them in their normal maturation box in the normal fridge.  Because the temperature is lower, the humidity will be much higher, which is why you need the paper towel.  Just do your normal thing of taking them out and wiping out the maturation boxes regularly.  You can also use a zip lock bag if you don't have enough space in your fridge for maturation boxes (or if you aren't using maturation boxes).  Just make sure to open them regularly, take the cheese out of the bag and replace the paper towel if it gets too wet.