My 2nd Brie

Started by JeffHamm, February 24, 2013, 05:45:20 PM

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Well, my first attempt a brie ended up with two liquid messes, contained, at least, in a thick PC rubbery rind.  I hope this attempt will be better.  I've made a few tweaks to the make, and I'm using a better quality milk this time with a higher fat content (and cream line).  I decided to only make one this time, as then I can flip the large cheese inside the two moulds (I put one mould inside the other and it works really well).  Also, probably best to work at minimizing my maximum loss right now.  Of course, this is a 5 litre make, and that's probably a bit much for one cheese, but that's fine.

Anyway, the make seems to have gone quite well.  The cheese feels much firmer this time, and I can even hold it in my palm without it feeling like it's going to just rip itself in two.  Hmmm, the cube of "buttermilk" I put in came from an unlabeled bag of starter cubes (I had one rip a while back, and put the cubes in a new bag and promptly forgot to label it).  It could be they are ST-B01, which is just Strep. Therm.  but I don't think so.  Shouldn't hurt the end result and may help stabilize it.

Well, rambling aside, here's the make I followed and a photo at the end of the result just before salting.  I'm letting it air dry while the salt works its way in and it will go into the cave at the end of the day.  Fingers crossed.

- Jeff

Brie (from 200 homemade cheese) Sunday, Feb 24, 2013: Barm 1009, 25C, 79% humidity

5 Litres Silver top (4.0% fat, 3.3g protein/100 ml; pasteurized creamline)
4 ice cubes meso (3 MM MW3 + 1 buttermilk)
¼ tsp CalCl (50%)
0.3 ml 750 IMCU Rennet
Section of rind from existing brie or cam (mashed about in boiled/cooled water – remove chunks)

1) add mould solution and culture and warm to 31 C (7:57 ; 32.0 C)
3) Ripen 30 minutes (7:57 - 8:27; 31.4 C) – I added a ripening time
4) add CaCl and then add rennet (8:27:00 ; 31.4 c)
5) floc time = 8:37:30 = 10 m 30 s 6x mulitiplier = 63 m 00 sec = cut time of 9:30:00
6) cut into 2.5 cm cubes
7) let heal (5 minutes in book; go for 15 9:35 - 9:50)
8) stir very gently 15 minutes (9:50 - 10:05) or until curd starts to shrink a bit
9) let settle
10) remove whey (to level of curd – I just used a slotted spoon, no whey removed)
11) ladel curds into to one ½ brie molds (10:05-10:20)  Filled one mould
12) settle 2 hours, then flip (flipped at 12:20 – put other mould on top, easy peasy)
13) settle 2 hours, flip (flipped at 3:30.)
14) flip every couple hours, then leave to drain overnight (flipped , 5:30, 7:00 pm)
15) 6:00 am sprinkle the top of cheese with 1.5 tsp salt flip salt other side (1 tsp)
16) air dry for the day (until 5:30 pm)
16) put in the ripening box (on chopsticks and mat) and flip daily (removing any whey)
17) should see mould in 7  to 10 days, about day 12-14, wrap and leave in cheese fridge another week
18) after 1 more week (week 3 from make) move to cold fridge for 4-6 weeks

At salting was 826g.  Much firmer feel than the previous batch.  Fingers crossed will hold shape.

Al Lewis

How much PC did you add Jeff?  Sorry, saw it. ::)
Making the World a Safer Place, One Cheese at a Time! My Food Blog and Videos


Hi Al,

Yah, my description is a bit vague on that, but basically I cut a "polite" bite of cam (small wheel) and then just scrap all the mould off and eat the bite.  That has always been sufficient to get a decent growth, and I've done the same for 8 or 10 litre batches and for a small 2 litre semi-lactic makes I've done.  I've never had a problem with getting growth from a slurry (and got good blue development when I've made a semi-lactic blue, and good bluing on my stiltonesque, though I over aged that and it amoniated).

- Jeff


Flipped this in the morning after it's first night in the cave.  It seems fantastic and has just the right aroma.  The cheese is much more solid feeling than the two runny ones, so I'm hopeful this will progress as it should.  I'm not very experienced with mould ripened cheeses, although I did make some cams in the past, so my affinage technique will need improvement.  But, in order to get better you have to start at less than perfect, and by golly, I'm certainly there! :)

- Jeff



I spotted the first wee splotch of mould last night, and got a photo this morning.  So, made on Sunday, and the mould first spotted on Thursday, which might be a bit quick, but that's about the rate I get it so it's no atypical for me.  Perhaps I add too much rind when making my slurry?  Or is 4 days to first signs about right?  Anyway, if you look across the surface you can see a fine fuzz as well.  Regardless, at least I know it's progressing, and the cheese is holding up well.  No losing shape or form with this one.

- Jeff

Schnecken Slayer

I use packets, not rind, and I find it shows up after about 4-5 days on my cams.
One day I will add something here...


Thanks.  Sounds like things are progressing typically then.

- Jeff


i have a batch thats been in the fridge for 2days and it already showing white mold .


That's quick.  The mould is spreading quite a bit now.

- Jeff

Schnecken Slayer

Quote from: JeffHamm on March 01, 2013, 05:42:54 AM
That's quick.  The mould is spreading quite a bit now.

- Jeff

I hope you are being nice and patting it daily...  ;D
One day I will add something here...


Quote from: JeffHamm on February 24, 2013, 05:45:20 PM
Hmmm, the cube of "buttermilk" I put in came from an unlabeled bag of starter cubes (I had one rip a while back, and put the cubes in a new bag and promptly forgot to label it).  It could be they are ST-B01, which is just Strep. Therm.  but I don't think so.  Shouldn't hurt the end result and may help stabilize it.
Hmmm, a little of the unknown going into this one, huh Jeff? Should be good. I haven't attempted a Cam or a Brie myself...seem to always be distracted by something else. ::)

I'll be watching this one. Very curious how it will go. Hoping for non-liquid.... ;)

Let's ferment something!
Bread, beer, wine,'s all good.


Yes, patting it down each time I flip it.

And Boofer, I'm pretty sure this won't be the liquid water bottles of cheese that the last ones were.  They were soft and oozing right from the start.  This has always had a much firmer body, and hasn't slumped.  The others were spreading to the side of the box by now. 

- Jeff


Jeff, what was the outcome of your first make?  The first make?  I am on my first cam. It's a week into it.  No mold but they are really slumping and getting very "liquidy".



I've made some cams and that a few years ago that were good.  My first brie (i.e. large cam) was my first white mould cheese make in a long time and they ended up just being pure liquid inside.  There's a thread here somewhere, probably called "My first Brie" that I started before last Christmas.  I was hoping to recover them and get them to turn out, but I had to go away for Christmas and left to their own devices they just turned into puddle cheese.

This make is a completely different adventure.

- Jeff



Well, we've got a good coverage both sides and around the edge too, so time to wrap it and hope for the best.  Should be ready around Apr 1st, which could be a bad sign I'm sure.  :)

- Jeff