Coastal blue

Started by KTownCheese, May 03, 2013, 09:27:32 PM

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Here is a shot of my recent coastal blue.  Still getting PC growth and a soft creamy texture under the rind.  Why can't I get a nice firm blue????  so frustrating!


Ktown , that looks good , I am having the same luck , my blues turn out great , but more like a Cam or a Cambazola.

I was originally trying for a real blue , the crumbly kind , but I think it is from contamination of PC or some similar mold that causes the cheese to soften.

Even though it's good , it's not what I set out to do.

Was that store bought milk or raw , I was thinking perhaps it might be something already present in the milk that causes it.

Oh well , it looks like a success anyway , I'm sure it will be great.

Cheers , Jim.


Try cutting a bit sooner and/or stirring a bit harder to start with a firmer curd. The PR grows in the spaces between curds. If they are too soft there won't be spaces. Sanitizing the aging space will limit the PC and Geo growth as will keeping the humidity in the righ range for PR. Not that I'm an expert.


Thanks for the tips.  The milk was store bought pasteurized 2%.  I will try the cut sooner.  Sounds like that may be my problem as I always cut that part short due to impatience.

To the letter it will be for all future blues!


man the cheese smells musty, almost rank.  Not sure if its still good?  any pointers from all the cheese nuts out there?  What smells indicate spoilage?


here are some current pics.  Its developing a crusty exterior with a slight yellow colour and some dark green/blue mold.


Yes , that's definitely no good , send it to me and I will do some taste tests just to be sure. >:D

Really , that looks great , I would eat it soon before it gets too runny , seriously.

My last blue looked much the same , and my current one is coming along in the same direction.

It may not be what you were going for , but it is something to eat while you figure out what went wrong , in a good way that is.

Eat it and post the results.

Cheers , Jim.


well I cut into it.  It was a disaster.  No flavour, bland, slightly acrid.  No PR growth.  Definitely need to stir more and use a recipe that calls for cream in the cheese.
Im going back to the stilton recipe as it was a major success! either that or ill try some roquefort