camembert opened up, no slip skin!

Started by meyerandray, April 20, 2013, 07:44:23 AM

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So what gives the camembert that extra flavor and aroma-the french keep their camembert on the balcony/deck weather permitting, so as to not stink the whole fridge up, whereas a brie is a much more easy-going for everyone. 
In G. Caldwell's "Mastering Artisan Cheesemaking" she does give one recipe for both of these cheeses, so maybe just the fact that the form is different leads to completely different maturation and thus completely different flavors?


hi Celine,

I did read about this at some point but can't quite remember where. Hmmmmm....

There's some info here: And some info on their website recipes at Recipe link is on left. Does Gavin of have Cam info?  Good luck!
