Jongia Autumn cheese maker trip schedule

Started by Jaap Jongia, May 18, 2013, 07:46:45 AM

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Jaap Jongia

Our trips along farmhouse cheese makers have become a permanent feature of the cheese makers agenda. 100's of cheesemakers have joined the trips over the last number of years and some have come a number of times, even on the same routes. So much to see, so much to learn. the dates are below, contact us if you are interested in more detailed information like routes and charges. Please note that the UK trips have no charge

UK Trips

Westmidlands: 10 September 2013
South of England: 11 September 2013

Trips to Germany:
Bavaria+Austria: 1-3 October 2013
Westphalia 13-15 October 2013
Berlin: 22+23 October 2013

Contact us for further details.


Hi there,
I am travelling to the UK in November and I would like to know if there are any cheesie tours around that month. I live in Australia and I had an artisan cheese factory for 4 years, I have been teaching cheese making for the past 18 months.
I would be willing to travel to Europe as well.
Debra Allard
Cheeses Loves You


Hi Debra. i'm a cheese maker in somerset Uk. Whitelake cheese. You are welcome to visit if in the area


Hi Whitelake Cheese, that is an amazing invitation and I will grab a map, check out where you are and see how I can make it happen. I will be in touch in a few days... so excited! Debbie


postcode is BA4 6SX .  thats alike a zip code. pu into google maps. there are alots of cheddar makers in this area and chedddar village is only 15 mile away


I have just looked you up and I will be staying at Bath for the majority of my trip and it looks like you are not far. I am arriving in UK 5th Nov and leaving 24th Nov so I have plenty of time to visit. How can I contact you. My email address is and I have a facebook page so you can see what I have been up to in my teaching capacity. Debbie


Regular tickets are for $35. Due to a scheduling brouhaha, I have an extra discounted ticket available for $20 if anyone is interested. Message me.