Flipping Brie/Camembert

Started by jbuczek, October 26, 2013, 07:20:20 PM

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Hi all. Making my first Bries in Camembert molds. Day five and they are firming up and the PC is blooming great. I am curious how you guys flip the wheels. Bare hands leaves finger prints in the soft velvet. Are there any tricks to flipping w/o hands that I should know? Or do I need to put on latex gloves?

Pete S

  on my Camemberts I press the velvet down every time I turn them. This is the first time I have made them and am following what I have read here on the Forum.They seem to be doing very well.   Pete

High Altitude

If they're small, I flip with two fingers (but like Pete said, you should be patting down the velvet anyway, so finger prints don't matter).  For larger wheels, I place a draining mat on top and flip over right onto that, so you never even touch the surface directly.

I have found that if the drainage holes are small enough, you really don't need to pat down the velvet on the larger surfaces, rather just the sides.