Advice on pH levels of Lactic Acid cheese

Started by cokeman18, June 12, 2014, 03:52:33 PM

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Hello everybody,

Just looking for some advice on what pH levels of lactic acid cheese should be before I add culture and rennet? I'm using cow and goats milk. Is there any other important time I should check pH levels?  Does it depend on what cheese your making? Any advice or tips welcome. I do have a digital pH readers to help me.

Thanks in advance.

:D :D :D :D


Do you have Gianaclis Caldwell Book (Mastering Artisan Cheesemaking)?

She has a recipe for Lactic Set Bloomy Rind Cheese.  The recipe says to bring the milk to 68-70 degrees before
sprinkling cultures on, then wait 5 minutes and stir in Rennet (combined with 1/4 cup bottled water). It should
then ripen (coagulate) for 18 to 24 hours at this temp.  The curd at this point should be Ph 4.5 to 4.6 and have,
not what I think of as a clean cut, but a fuzzyish cut....(Not a word? oh well.)

I have used her recipes and they are wonderful.  I am making the most successful Epoisses type (also lactic
curd) that I have made.  I have tried for quite a while but I find this to be a difficult cheese to make a 'storybook'
version of. 
