My first montasio

Started by scasnerkay, September 18, 2015, 11:41:48 PM

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This was made in May, so opened at almost 4 months. This was my second make with the liquid paste calf rennet, and again, there are some holes that seem to be from some gas that developed. The weight was 3# 2oz, down from 3# 10 oz at make. Natural rind with dry brushing until I ran out of room and had to bag it about 1 month ago! The paste is smooth, creamy, and pliable. Very nice texture. The taste is a bit bland, though the next day when I cut some it had more flavor. So I sealed it back up and will try it again in 2 to 3 months! The recipe was from Peter Dixon's website.


-- Andy


Very nice looking cheese!  A cheese for you for that one.