Seeking Mentor - Looking to Make and Sell Cheese Commercially in Los Angeles

Started by digitalgoatfarm, October 04, 2016, 05:47:07 PM

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Greetings Cheese Forum Members! 

I've been making cheese at home since January of this year, and would like to be able to make and sell cheeses legally in Los Angeles.  I'm looking for a mentor in or around Los Angeles who can help me to navigate all of the legal regulations, and to see if it's even possible to be a part-time commercial cheesemaker and use a shared space. 

I am passionate about cheesemaking, making lots of fresh cheeses from Oaxacan String Cheese and Mozzarella, to aged cheeses, but really thinking of focusing on the fresh cheeses to sell to the LA area.

Any and all help most appreciated!  You can check out my cheeses so far on Instagram:

Best regards,


I'd find a responsible person in the California Department of Agriculture to talk to.  This may not be the right venue but somewhere in the state is a regulator who can assist in telling you what you need as it pertains to their department.  I've found that these folks are usually easy to talk to if you approach them having done what "homework" you can.