My first rennet coagulated fresh Chèvre from milk powder

Started by, January 10, 2017, 02:41:59 AM

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As the title says, I have just completed and tasted my first fresh chèvre. It is made following the recipe from the Joy of Cheesemaking, and milk powder, the brand shown in the picture.

Only underpar thing is that I over salted them. Being from milk powder, they are also slightly more crumbly, but excellent for spreading.

The taste is awesome! Compares to any chèvre you can buy in the supermarket. And here in Hong Kong it is definitely a lot cheaper. Yield from 3 litres of milk, five small cheeses. I lost some by following the recipe and not putting a cloth on the mold. I quickly corrected this.


That's very cool that you're successfully making cheese from powdered milk! 

