Mozzarella - Max Age?

Started by DETECH, March 11, 2017, 06:06:55 AM

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I just stumbled onto this site and now you all have me thinking of getting into cheese making.  The stumble was when I was looking for an answer to if my old Mozzarella in the frig is going to kill me.  It was purchased at a  local factory here in Wisconsin about a year ago, maybe more, and was vacuum packed. We opened it today and it smelled fine and tasted great.  Not like Mozzarella I know of though. It was a little sharp or maybe like sharp Provolone. I liked it so well I may start buying my Mozzarella a year early. Or better yet, making my own and aging it. I've been working on this 1 pound chunk for a few days and haven't died yet.

So what is the limit on aging Mozzarella?


Pretty much until it is too repulsive to eat . Sounds like your was a long way from that still .

But I would also add that I feel it is really not a mozza anymore after that long of ripening , I think there are a few aged stretched curd cheeses that it would be closer to.


Detech, welcome to the forum!

I'd have to go back and check to be sure, but as I recall, provolone is basically just aged mozzarella - or at least if follows a very similar make protocol until it is hung up to drain and begin to age.
-- Andy