pH dropping quickly during cheddaring

Started by Dorchestercheese, November 28, 2017, 12:12:16 AM

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Hi - I made some cheddar this weekend.  I was mostly spot on hitting my pH marks through the process. When I started cheddaring stacking flipping the pH started dropping quick and got to pH mark well before the process of cheddaring had formed the right texture.  What should i have done..there was not whey to remove in that it was gone by then. i thought about washing the stack with warm water but ...i cut the cheddaring a bit short and went a little more acidic then i would have liked.


If you had a way to cool it down , that would slow it . If ph markers were at Same times as past makes it seems odd for such a quick drop


Perhaps it was too warm in the room.  If I drop the temperature will it affect the cheddaring process?


It will slow everything down , if you are using a timed recipe then it will be off , a ph recipe is no problem .

There is probably an optimum time that the curve from the draining to salting should take , but I do not know it .

One of the cheddar masters on this forum might know