First attempt at a cheese based on Reblochon

Started by Aris, March 24, 2022, 02:43:59 AM

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This is basically a Macgyvered version of a Reblochon using my own recipe and methods since I don't have commercial cheese cultures nor I intend to buy them because of the price and shipping cost. This was made using thermized water buffalo's milk. I based this cheese on Reblochon's characteristics with my own twist. I used Yogourmet Kefir as a starter because it gives a cheesy and buttery flavor and pretty looking holes. I don't have B. linens culture so I inoculated the cheese with schmier from an existing washed rind cheese which has wild B. linens/Corynebacterium. I also don't have Geotrichum Candidum so I sprayed it with white mold solution made from store bought brie rind and sterile water. Sure it also has P. Candidum but I am fine with it being included in this cheese. This cheese was only washed twice because the schmier is already very active. At day 13 it already has a light coating of white mold and B. linens. I had doubts that this cheese will soften at all because at day 20 it was firm when I wrapped it in parchment paper, paper towel and put inside a plastic bag. To my surprise, it got softer and softer as it ages and at day 50, it is fully ripe.

What I find fascinating in this cheese is that it is a high pH cheese (5.3-5.5) yet it becomes very soft and supple like a Brie de Meaux when it is fully ripe. I was led to believe that pH must be low like in Brie or Camembert for it to have a supple, gooey and soft texture. As for the flavor of the paste; it is mild, milky, slightly cheesy and slightly fruity. I don't eat the rind though because it is slightly bitter and has a weird flavor. This cheese was really stinky when I first removed it from the wrap. It smells mild now with a slight rubbery smell. The store bought Reblochon I bought before was far stinkier and almost smelled like feces. Its texture is comparable to store bought Reblcohon; very soft, supple and creamy. Its taste is slightly sweet and slightly bland because of the low salt (2%). I am happy that I nailed it the first time despite the limitations and just basing it on a hunch. The only improvement I can do is add a tiny bit more salt.