cheese fridge ice in vents

Started by Tesnusxenos, August 12, 2023, 09:05:16 PM

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I have been running a cheese fridge with an elitech STC-1000Pro TH, for about 6 weeks. it keeps humidity fine with our mister setup with a fan and a plastic shoebox of water. but yesterday I noticed the temp was up to 57º even though it was running.  we found that the vents where the cold air comes down from the freezer were full of ice(probably) from the humidity)I am going to abandon using the freezer section and turn the freezer temp to the highest to see if that works. otherwise I will defrost the whole refridge one a month or so. Any other ideas?
I never met a problem cheese couldn't solve.


I blocked the vents from the freezer almost completely on my bar fridge....

Cheesemaking has rekindled our love of spending time together, Diane and me!