Cheese trip to London

Started by riha, October 19, 2009, 02:02:26 PM

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oh, you are making me so homesick for England.  All those lovely cheeeses that we just don't have in NZ.

Chris K

Great pics! Thanks for sharing. I was fortunate to visit both last year. It sparked my desire to open my own place.

Blue Monday

Markets are always a great choice in London for cheese or in fact any artisan product, they have pretty much every cheese you could ever want - be sure to try the Stinky may smell like it came from a Horses botto.....but it tastes fantastic! and the smell isn´t that bad...just a bit pungent shall we say...! My theory is the stinkier it is, the better it tastes! :D


"Stinky Bishop"

It's name is, properly, Stinking Bishop.

Yes, London markets are good for cheese, but so are many other food markets in even small towns and cities in the UK, where you're more likely to get local cheeses. I was thinking of the covered markets in Oxford and Manchester, for example, and came across a wonderful cheese stall at the market in Hexham last year and another in the riverside market in Newcastle.

Glad to see another UKer on the forum.

Blue Monday

@fied, apologies for shortening the name of the cheese there, I was rather tired - but you are correct, that is the ´proper´ name.

anyway, the point is that England has many great places for cheese and one of the more convenient places for any tourist is going to be the london markets so get yourself down there and then emerce yourself in the culture...and by this I mean a good pint!

Hello fellow Uker!


Erm, I was born in London and lived there until my mid-40s...  :)

Blue Monday

@fied it wasn´t aimed at you, I know you are from the UK :) I was referring to all of our non-UKers who use the site, they need to experience the art of a good pint! :D


How about speckled hen for a beer?



I have to say, all of these English cheeses are terrifying to my Swiss mind. Looks like something I might have discovered while cleaning out the cellar  ;)