White/Blue Mold Cheese - Rapid Drying Problem/Recommendations (Cambozola by CdnMorganGal)

Started by CdnMorganGal, September 19, 2010, 03:11:07 AM

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Having followed the recipe on this site, I was waiting for the cheeses not to be excessively moist after salting, and I went out for the day.  When I returned some of the tops and sides were dried out (fridge is at 55F 52% humidity - working on increasing humidity).  I immediately put them in closed containers with a bit of water in the bottom (the dried side towards the water)- cheese is not sitting in the water).  Will these be salvageable? Should I have done something else? Should I do something else now? Help! please

Also - suggestions greatly appreciated for containering cheese when you can't find plastic containers to buy.

coffee joe

MAXI had just about everything one could need, I was jealous. The Brazil Wal Mart stores are pretty poor in comparison.  And I have to drive 8 hours to get to one!
