Happiness is:

Started by wharris, December 18, 2008, 02:54:51 PM

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Curds in the vat, and cheese in the press:

OK,Fresh out of the press:

Cheese Head

Those Kadova molds do make good looking cheeses!


I know, I think my resolution not to buy, slips a bit more everytime a see them ... sigh


Those wheelse btw, were topped off.  There is no "seam"

Sorry to be the bad influence Tea....  If you lived closer, i would let you 'test' a batch using them.



The reason I asked is because there have been times that I have over filled a mould, stuffed the follower in, then after it has pressed for awhile, I could have added more curd to the mould.  So I was wondering if you could keep filling a mould as it compressed, or whether you would end up with "seam lines" that were unstable in the end cheese?


Because I was thinking that to get a tight compression in these moulds they would need to be either over filled, or topped up as the pressing progressed.

Not sure that I am making myself understood...


Wayne, are you sure you're not just taking pictures from Tillamook and claiming them as your own? LOL you're a little cheese making factory.

Everyone, when nuclear war hits and we need rations, party is over at Wayne's.


Happiness is fresh milk in the fridge.

This was in a cow this morning.

100% milk.  nothing more.

two  5-gallon batches,  this will keep me busy for 2 days..


Cheese Head

No denying . . . I AM VERY ENVIOUS!


"This was in a cow this morning." HA, that's funny.


What is even funnier (to me) is that the cow is in me tonight!

(had a pot roast dinner....)



Here is today's batch........

I have a new digital thermometer for the whey.  Notice the grey wire:

My companion: (and scrap vacuum)

First Flip:


Adding weight:

Last Flip, opening the moulds:

Waiting for the micro-screen to "let-go" of the cheese:

Micro-screen letting go of the cheese:

Ready for final press:


Sweet. Good talkin' to ya.


Awesome picts!  How are you getting your milk from the farm? bags in the crates?  If so is that something you supplied or they? 

What kind of cheese are you building there?