My first "Stilton type" cheese ... with Ginger

Started by WhiteSageFarms, December 19, 2010, 07:56:47 AM

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This is the first blue mold cheese I've made. It's really fascinating to watch the blue coming on! I got the idea for this from reading Sailor Con Queso's posts about his Ginger Stilton.

I used a recipe from 200 Easy Recipes...

If anyone wants to see just a few photos of the process
White Sage Farms

Sailor Con Queso

Looks fantastic. My only suggestion would be to smooth down the sides and tops with the back of a spoon as soon as the cheese is stable enough. That keeps the cheese from drying out too deeply beyond the rind.


Thanks! I don't know what it's supposed to look like, so I appreciate your feedback. I saw that they smooth it out like you mention on the Stilton website video. I'd already made it by the time I saw the video & the blue was showing up as it was several days old by then... I smoothed it as much as I could, but it wasn't moist enough to do properly. I used my fingers so it warmed it up a bit and made it a little easier to work with. Next time!

I found candied ginger for $3.00 a pound at Fred Meyer grocery store here in Idaho, which seemed like a fair price so I bought several pounds so I can make ginger marmalade too :-)

Quote from: Sailor Con Queso on December 20, 2010, 01:06:02 AM
Looks fantastic. My only suggestion would be to smooth down the sides and tops with the back of a spoon as soon as the cheese is stable enough. That keeps the cheese from drying out too deeply beyond the rind.
White Sage Farms


White Sage Farms