Looks quiet in the pasture

Started by MrsKK, January 18, 2012, 03:51:41 PM

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I've been looking up at the pasture every time I'm near a window, but Belle and Stewie have been lying down or standing next to one another eating from the hay bale every time. No rear end sniffing, no mounting attempts, no heightened energy levels from what I can see.

Today is day 21 since Belle was AI'd. I think it took!

I'm planning on turning her into my second milk cow, as she is half Holstein, half Piedmontese.  She should produce some really nice beef calves for us, too.  This time around, she was bred to Jersey with sexed semen, so in all likelihood I will have a heifer for sale in the future.  After this we will breed her to Angus for beefier calves.

I'm looking forward to having a steady supply of milk.  Buttercup has been dry since mid December and I'm going through raw milk and cheesemaking withdrawal BADLY!


Isn't that a good feeling when you know they've settled?     My Clover has just missed her second heat after being AIed with sexed semen from Jersey sire Vermeer.   8)


Good luck Karen. New born calves are so beautiful! Those big eyes and wobbly legs reaching out to find their mommies. AH! I miss the farm!


Our college aged daughter, who still lives at home, was getting all misty eyed about my getting empty nest syndrome and I just laughed at her.  I love babies and would have liked to have more than three children, but now I get to have all the babies I want - and I don't have to keep them, either!

Mean mom?  Oh, yeah!



Well, when I was working second shift at the motel, I was doing midnight milkings!  No more, DH said I could quit working there last October and I am one HAPPY woman!


< has visions of falling asleep and landing in a warm pail of very fatty milk ....