Chaource, first try

Started by anutcanfly, January 29, 2012, 07:16:48 PM

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Day 8, geo is well developed and PC is racing to catch up.

Jarlsberg for grilled cheese sandwiches and Chaource for dessert.  Valentine's day is looking good!  ^-^


Looking very nice and fuzzy!  Should be tasty!

- Jeff


For better or worse my Chaource is done.  I don't think I'm going to wait for Valentines day to cut into it!  Next time I make this I'm going to have to buy some crottin molds!  I just used my camembert molds, but that meant I had to give this cheese constant attention lest it get or stay too moist.  My cave was a nice 46 degrees, which would have been good, but we went into a warm spell and the cave was between 50 - 52 degrees.  Geo got going way too much before PC kicked in.  Live and learn!   :)   I post the opening of this cheese.


Lovely cheese anut.
Now, big question - how do you pronounce this cheese? (I'm clearly not a French speaker). I.m guessing 'ch' at the start  and 'ce' at the end as in 'chance' (as in 'Bon chance') with some sort of attempt at the middle? Margaret


I have no idea!  I just make it up as I go along...  Should be funny first time I talk to someone who does know how it should be pronounced!  ;D  I've spent so much time with my nose in books and so little by comparison talking, that my vocabulary is well peppered with words I learned to say wrong.  I was pronouncing it cha(chah)-ou(ow)rce.  Flip!  I can't get that to come out gracefully even in my head!   If anyone knows, please tell!  I'm curious now...


Quote from: anutcanfly on February 10, 2012, 09:34:24 PM
If anyone knows, please tell!  I'm curious now...
Okay, anut, just this once... :)

Pronouncing Chaource

Let's ferment something!
Bread, beer, wine,'s all good.


shah-OORSE!  Thanks Boofer.  :)  Now let's see how long I can remember.  I'd say about 5 minutes these days.  ::)  I'd be lost without all my books... they remember everything for me.

Hey! just this once?  I don't rate twice? Or are you just in short supply?  ;)


It certainly looks good!  What's the verdict?

- Jeff


shah-OORSE. Who would have thought. All over the world cheesemakers are muttering 'shah-OOSE, shah-OORSE....' Thanks Boofer. Will Studd did a segment on Chaource but I couldn't catch the pronunciation.


That's a funny image margaretsmall.  :) 

Well here the grand opening of my shah-OORSE (did I say that right?).  It looks like it came out right and the rind is the pleasant earthy/mushroom flavor I've come to love in a bloomy rind.  I not sure how I feel about the paste.  It's creamy and tart, and....  I put most of it back in the cave to ripen more and left a wedge in the house so I can try again tomorrow.  I've already exceeded my calorie limit for today.


Looking at it made me remember that tart creamy flavor of my last attempt.  The mind plays great tricks... :P


Hi anut,

It looks like it developed well though.  Am I correct that this is at about 2 weeks from make to opening?  Maybe make one or two more and take one out another week and the other out two and see if that helps?  If you made them a week apart, you could try them at the same time; or make one each week for 3 weeks and destroy that calorie count!  :)

- Jeff


Hi Jeff,

Hi Tomer,

I tried it again and I can't say I liked the flavor... very disappointing!  I'll try to age it further even though I cut into it and sees what happens.  Maybe a different starter culture?  :-\


Quote from: anutcanfly on February 12, 2012, 08:59:49 PM
I tried it again and I can't say I liked the flavor... very disappointing!  I'll try to age it further even though I cut into it and sees what happens.  Maybe a different starter culture?  :-\
I had a similar reaction to mine. Not quite what I had in mind, I guess.

There are a lot more styles I would do before I try a lactic again. Reblochon, Taleggio, Fourme d'Ambert, and on and on....

Let's ferment something!
Bread, beer, wine,'s all good.


Sounds like a plan Boofer!  :)  Too many wonderful cheeses out there, to get hung up on one!