An attempt at Jarlsberg

Started by scasnerkay, February 27, 2012, 02:18:33 AM

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So I am finally trying to recreate my earlier success with the Jarlsberg. A few a VERY big pot so it all cooks together (much easier!), and working on my induction cooktop, which gives me fabulous temperature control/responsiveness. And I am committed to letting it age this time!

But one challenge: the cheese is in the press overnight, and I have to leave town tomorrow afternoon overnight, so I either have to brine quickly(6-8 hours max), or brine for a long time ( like 24 hours with no flipping), or delay brining by refrigerating for a day. Any thoughts?? It is a 4lb. cheese, very similar in size to my first posted attempt. So maybe 2+ inches thick.


Half of the cheese was reserved in vacuum sealed bag to almost 6 months! We polished it off at a potluck. Very nutty and smooth! I really enjoyed this! It was a bit more dry than I wanted, but really tasty!