Danisco's Choozit Penicillium candidum VS - Using

Started by george13, March 18, 2012, 07:40:25 PM

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Because of previous overippening issues, I decided to give the VS a try on my Camembert. I also did not add any Geo, which I am now beginning to realize it may been in error. Overal, I have very nice coverage on the cheese, it just does not seem to get to the soft stage of aging.  I made the cheese on 2/8/12, intentionally I kept it a bit cooler and less humid (because of my previous issue).  I opened one and the taste is very nice, just the texture is not what I had envisioned.  Just wondering if any other trials with PC VS out there for future adjustments.  Thanks


Hi George,

I make quite a bit of goat's milk camembert, but being curious about your post - what is VS? 


Cheese Head

Bonnie, good question, VS is the name of one of their manufactured strain of Pencillium candidum by company called Danisco whose cheese making product line is called Choozit. Danisco was bought buy Dupont in 2011. I need to update that Wiki. Also Danisco's product data sheet on their VS is in our Library.

george, I've been using VS and guru member Francois didn't mention that I needed to change.


Penicillum candidum is the white mold. These are freeze-dried mold spores for use in surface ripened cheeses such as Brie, Camembert, Colomiers, Saint Maure, etc. They produce a creamy white appearance and velvety texture. It comes in two varieties: has two forms that we may purchase

VS - General use - flavored for use with cow's milk cheeses


Neige -  which is stronger flavored – for use with goats milk cheeses


My understanding was that VS is the less agressive strain, hence my question about the delay in aging.  I am trying to understand how much less agressive it is and how to compensate for its use.