pH Critical Points (Yippee! I have real equipment! But about the ph meter...)

Started by Annie, May 16, 2012, 02:29:22 AM

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I tried to look up how to use the ph meter while making cheese as my book does not have the ph values I need to attain. My old (crummy) book has the wrong values for mozzarella, which I really need the ph meter for--I imagine I can find a recipe with accurate ones--but for my other cheeses?

I would probably be best off if I found out how ph affects the cheese, since I am currently making basic cheese (they're invading...) and branching into experimenting with timing, like they are softer if I do things a bit sooner?

A link would be fine; I probably just figure out the right way to search for this information.

Thanks so much :)


There are basic make chart guides in the library with ph values.


Laissez le rouleau grand fromage - Dave Budge


Thanks so much, Debi and DBudge :) D, that thread is full of information! It may take me months to figure out what it all means :LOL:


BTW .... I do not use a ph meter for mozzarella or any other cheese but some find it helpful.