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Sharing experience with Taleggio

Started by soleuy, August 18, 2012, 01:51:59 PM

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I want to share my experience with Taleggio, I made six of them but I could only matured the last two , the others were too soft ( I think whey was under-drained because my yield was higher than 12-14 % which is expected for this cheese).

This is a soft cheese , with no cooking of the curd at all , no pressing; the whey is removed partly during the cutting phase and in the molds during stufatura, because of the acidification. The whey escapes mainly from the bottom so molds without it are recommended.

This is what I've done

Pasteurize milk at 71 ° C
At 42 ºC f Thermophilic culture (S Thermophilus and L. d. ssp bulgaricus) Wait 30 ´ At 37 º C Add Rennet flocculation 8- 10 minutes, coagulation time x 4
Cut in 8-10 cm blocks/ wait 15' / cut to 2 – 3 cm blocks mixing carefully 10 minutes.
Leave the cheese in the mould at 22- 25º C for +/- 4 hours (stufatura). During the last flips of  this phase  I control the weight and pH to decide when to un-mold them .The pH at the end was 4,8 in one and 5 in the other (stufatura).
During this step   flip first at 30' and the several times after an hour. 
Dry salt or brine at 18% a 12°C)
Ripening at 10 (I ripened them at a cellar with higher temperature , but the recommends is lower 2-6C, but we have a temperate climate here )and 80-90 % HR for 30 days, washing with light brine weekly . Taleggio mature in 35-60 days but mine are small (500 gr ) and were matured in a warmer and very humid place.



Looks very nice! A bit like a French Munster... very gooey for these high temperatures and thermophilic strains. Stinky? Hmmm...
Tallegio should be aged really cold if you want that texture, though your cheese looks amazing.   
Which cheese mould did you use?


I think those look really good.  A cheese to you.

- Jeff


Looks beautiful!  That is a favorite cheese in our house but I've never made it.  Our neighbor brought some back from New York City and shared it with us.  Maybe I'll have to try making it sometime.  He loves it and gives us fresh honey so I always like to give him something back.


Pam: I like the taste and so did some friends that tasted it yesterday. It´s difficult for me to describe it, I can only say that it´s an aromatic strong tasting cheese.
I read on the web that Tageggio stands freezing so I decide to keep a piece in it till December when my daughter who is living in Italy will visit us. I asked her to taste it so she could give me her opinion if mine is like the original!!!. It´s impossible to get Taleggio here in Uruguay and in Argentina where I come from.
Iratherfly: fortunately the cheese is strong but not unpleasant at all!!!!
It´s not easy to get supplies here, only general cultures and a type of moulds, so I use what I can: water tubes for the round ones and for this a kitchen plastic container , I made holes and I took out the bottom. It's a cube of 11,5 cm , which for me it's OK because I use 4 l of milk.
Tiarella: I'm not an expert in this cheese and in any one but if you try I would be happy to help with any doubts. I would try to repeat the cheese in the following weeks, but perhaps I will do two forms and mature one in the cellar and the other in the fridge. It´s getting warmer here and I think it would be I a good idea to chose less soft cheese , but I want to prove if I can repeat his Taleggio.

Thanks for the cheese; Jeff!!!


soleuy, I did not mean to suggest that the cheese is unpleasant. The aging at higher temperature gives it a more pronounced and "big" flavor and aroma.  Tallegio is on the delicate side because it is aged at such low temp.  I love your cheese mould hack by the way!

So where do you get cheese moulds and cultures in Uruguay?   


Excuse me for misunderstand you, it´s my English!! : I look for the words I don't understand at Google, but not always works.
We live in "Departamento de Colonia"(it´s the political subdivision here like yours states but more centralize) where dairy production is important. So its easy for me to get the cow milk, just in front of us (1 km) there is a dairy farm.
There are two culture suppliers nearby , one sells Hansen and the other Danisco (imported) the problem is that the packets are for working with big quantities of milk (for artisans cheese making, not for homemaking cheese). They fraction a mesophilic   and a thermophilic, starter (I still don't know which mix are), in packets for 10000 l, which are a lot for my scale.
I only have one bought mould( for a one kilogramme cheese), get at  one of the agricultural suppliers.


No problem!

10000 liter packages? That is a lot!!! You need 500-1000 liter packages. That would be enough for you for a year.  Send me a message if I can help you. 


Quote from: soleuy on August 21, 2012, 09:53:42 PM
Excuse me for misunderstand you, it´s my English!! : I look for the words I don't understand at Google, but not always works.
We live in "Departamento de Colonia"(it´s the political subdivision here like yours states but more centralize) where dairy production is important. So its easy for me to get the cow milk, just in front of us (1 km) there is a dairy farm.
There are two culture suppliers nearby , one sells Hansen and the other Danisco (imported) the problem is that the packets are for working with big quantities of milk (for artisans cheese making, not for homemaking cheese). They fraction a mesophilic   and a thermophilic, starter (I still don't know which mix are), in packets for 10000 l, which are a lot for my scale.
I only have one bought mould( for a one kilogramme cheese), get at  one of the agricultural suppliers.

Hi !
i'm from montevdeo and y like to know where do you by the cultures.
here i can't found
maybe i can buy from where and they shipp to me
thanks in advance


The OP's post is from 2012, so unlikely she will see it!  But if you are willing to order internationally, New England Cheese Company has great products and incredible service.  They have gone above and beyond in getting shipments to me in India.