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Any one know where to get Annatto from in NZ

Started by leboy001, September 11, 2012, 11:32:30 PM

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There doesnt seem to be much selection here. Mostly in powdered form. Does any one know where to buy it from. Or if you use another product let me know



Does anyone in NZ stock Herbie's Spices? He sells annatto seeds, which I presume you could soak in hot water to get the colour. I bought a bottle from Cheeselinks, if they ship to NZ.


from what i have read on here there is a a bit of a process in converting seeds to liquid. And it sounds potentially messy, which means that being as clumsy as i am i will end up with colourant all over the place. Im probably going to struggle with it in a dropper bottle  ;D


Ah, you're right, does sound messy. Can't imagine what I'll do with the seeds in my pantry, unopened packet, when I have a bottle of liquid in the fridge, also unopened. I've grown used to cheese which isn't bright yellow.


Mad Millie do a small bottle of Annatto.  Home Brew West (Auckland) have it on their website but you could probably try any homebrew shop that stock cheese making products.


Let's ferment something!
Bread, beer, wine, cheese...it's all good.


Thanks Boofer

I read this the other day which is what made me think i need the commercial stuff. I'm not exactly the cleanest of cooks (must to my wife's dispair) so i will probably check out Mad Millie. I didnt want to get stuff from there cos they are more expensive than other companies here.


I found this article at Curds & Whey website and thought I would post it for your consideration.

I have been asked quite often why I do not stock annatto colouring. The following article illustrates why.
Annatto orange-yellow colour is a vegetable dye made from the
seed coat of the tropical Annatto tree (bixa orellana). In Australia it is commonly used in cereals, snack foods, dairy foods including yoghurts, icecreams and cheeses, snack foods and a wide range of other foods.
It is the only natural colour that has so far been found to cause as many adverse intolerance reactions as artificial colours and to affect more consumers than artificial colours. It has also been associated with rare allergic reactions. Adverse reactions to annatto can include skin, gastrointestinal, airways and central nervous system reactions.
(Extract www.fedupwithfoodadditives.info/factsheets/line1.gif)


Yeah i read this too. Im not allergic to anything so i can eat it. If my friends cant . . . then all the more cheese for me ;)


If you really desire orange coloring and don't want to use annatto, I suppose you could fashion a coloring out of carrot juice, palm fruit oil, or any of several other alternatives.

I hadn't ever heard of anyone having an allergic reaction to eating yellow/orange cheese.  ::)

Let's ferment something!
Bread, beer, wine, cheese...it's all good.


I just bought a 2 oz. package of annato seeds labeled as achiote in the mexican section of a local supermarket for $2 US today in Ohio.  Not sure if this helps,  perhaps you have a Hispanic grocery or bodega nearby in NZ.