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hi all kiwis

Started by brent, February 23, 2009, 12:35:47 AM

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so,how many of us are there on this fine forum counting myself i know of 1 other active member there must be more of us .we need to show the rest of the world how good we are ,as we have the gratest advantage  fresh whole milk and what seems to be the cheapest rennett (good old renco )

Captain Caprine

That sounds like a challenge to me.


im jelous CC that goat is just what im after is she yours??
well here are my attmpts so far .........
cream cheese

Captain Caprine

Hey Brent,
Yeah, that's one of my Nubians, her name is Honey.  We are actually going to dry her up next week as she is due in late April.  My milk supply is going to take a hit as she is my best producer.


another Kiwi here, new to this forum and what I've seen so far... very helpful!!!


Welcome Brent. I'm not a Kiwi but don't hold that agaist me!  :D


I'm not a kiwi either, I just live here.  Moved from CT, can't imagine going back.

I can hit renco with a small round of cheese form my office window....


Francois where in CT were you from I am stuck here until I retire.


north east corner.  grew up there on a farm.


I am in Norwich grew up in Preston.


Just signed up. I am from Wellsford, New Zealand!




Hi, I'm another Kiwi here from Taranaki.
Made my first cheese on the weekend, halloumi, very delicious!  And the stuff in the shops is $18 a piece.  Mine worked out at around 50 cents a piece, what a bargin...

Waitawa Farm Cheesemaking

I am from Hokianga region of New Zealand. So far I have made feta, halloumi, quark, labneh, brie, mizithra, cheddar, gouda,mozzarella my next new cheese is going to be a manchego


 ;D Hi,
I'm in Matakana.  We milk 5 or 6 cows to feed calves and make yummy cheese.  Has anyone made Tim Smith's Cotswold??  I'm sure it should have salt but recipe does not include it??  I actually made one and thought it didn't look quite right so actually brined it, so who knows how that will turn out.



Welcome to the forum, Jude! What kinds of cheese do you make?